Investment Banking Services and Securities offered through Independent Investment Bankers Corp. a broker-dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC. Business Owners Network LLC is not affiliated with Independent Investment Bankers Corp
If most of your personal wealth is concentrated in a privately-held company, retirement planning must include an exit strategy that coordinates your personal retirement goals, needs, and resources with the company’s goals, needs, and resources. BON has created FirstCorePlan to allow the Business Owner/Executive, with BON advisors and software, to prepare a ‘Coordinated Retirement Plan”. A Business Owner should begin the retirement planning process no later than five years before their projected retirement date. With the use of our new product offering, FirstCorePlan, we will assist you in identifying the most effective use of your company’s resources to attain your retirement goals. Possible exit strategies include leveraged buy-outs, sale to strategic buyers, sale to financial buyers, transfer to family members or partners, or sale to ESOP plans.