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Executive Support Services

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

This includes supplementing the business executive team with the role of Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) that fills the ‘void’ in most small to medium sized businesses that will bring a fresh strategy perspective or sound-board for the existing executive team. This position is not ‘in-the-trenches’ but has the viewpoint of the strategy for moving a company to its stage and towards a mature company. The skillset required is a combination of the CEO, CFO, or COO mindset but focused only on the ‘strategic issues’ that face every company.

Other Executive Positions (CEO, CFO, CTO, COO)

These positions are supplied on an ‘as needed’, temporary basis to fill a ‘void’. These ‘voids’ could be based on the inability for an early-stage company to afford those full-time positions or it could be the result of a ‘termination’ and the short-term need to fill the role until a proper ‘search’ process could occur. 

Executive Support Services

Executive Leadership Coaching

Executive Wealth Management

Executive Compensation Planning

Executive Deferred Compensation Plans

Executive Retirement Planning

Executive Employee Benefit Decisions